John Linney member of the development team.

"I was employed at Dragon from summer 1983 until its demise. After that I went with some core members of the development team to work at Thorn EMI on the Liberator handheld for the CCTA. I worked on the prototype of the twin processor Dragon 128 (8080 + 6809 if I remember correctly) and later, the more evolutionary twin disk (720K 3.5") Dragon 64 (Alpha/Professional). I was also responsible for ongoing maintenance of Dragon DOS which was originally done by an outside contractor, fixing bugs in Microsoft ROM Basic (yes - the source contained comments by Bill Gates), and driving various bits of hardware that we added to the basic design including the modem, sound chips, disk drives, the boot sequence etc... I have fond memories of creating products with some pretty primitive development systems. I would be interested in hearing from other Dragon Alumni.... I also designed and implemented the Alpha boot screen. Used a special character set to do the graphics".

Duncan and John Linney 2022

Duncan Smeed (L) and John Linney (R) 2022