Finnish A4 brochure for the
FINLUX Dragon.
Even though the TV in the brochure is branded as a FINLUX it looks like the
Dragon isn't branded as FINLUX, as seen on released examples, although it
does have a custom label. The brochure is branded as LOHJA Consumer Electronics,
the parent company of FINLUX.
There appears to be a number issues with the brochure, including ....
"It enables the UNlX operating system on the Dragon". I
assume this relates to OS9, which is UNIX like.
High quality download (45MB JPG)

From the office to home utility and leisure use - Dragon
- wisely done -

The best Basic and high-end graphics for home PCs. These
Reviews Dragon received in a review of Micro computer magazine No.
3/84. The Tekniikan Maailma test in the spring of '84 also ended
to the same; "Dragon's Basic is perhaps one of the best on the market".
Dragon's programming language is Extended Microsoft
Color Basic language which is an industry standard and thus
commonly used in large computers. With Dragon you learn big
language from an early age.
Graphics in 9 colors, five options
Dragon's basic graphics offer options from 9 colors
From 16 x 32 point block graphics to 256 x 192 point precision graphics.
Excellent picture on standard TV,
great with a direct video connection. In the Dragon programming language
have ready-made commands for controlling graphics
unlike most home computers.
Dragon is a complete system
Unlike most home microcomputers, Dragon can be connected to almost anything
any printer and standard cassette recorder
into a mass storage unit. The data speed is no less than 1500 baud,
so programs load quickly. Versatile,
thanks to the recorder commands, the Dragon user can take advantage
cassette tape recorder almost like a disk drive for programs and
in the processing of memory data. It is easy to add to the system
also two game controllers, light pen, disk unit, video monitor,
ROM modules or machine head by changing the card
its memory capacity can be doubled from 32 to 64 K
RAM unit.
Dragon makes it easy to compose
Dragon's sound range is 5 octaves. Feel free to assign a note,
its length, tempo, pauses and re-records everything
for use. Of course, you can have Dragon play familiar ones as well
melodies in the same way. You can use the sound as an effect
in games or, for example, with the help of a speech synthesizer
in training programs as a learning facilitator.
Dragon maintenance is quick and spare parts are easy to get.
Lots of programs - yes
for business use rather than private use
Dragon is one of the biggest brands in home PCs and compatible
Tandy Color Computer, which is very popular in America
with. Dragon users have an almost unlimited selection of programs
within reach, special specialties, the first tax return filling program developed in Finland,
the most affordable word processing program on the market, and the inventory accounting program, just to name a few.
There is English literature suitable for Dragon
Plenty and its translation into Finnish is in full swing.
For those familiar with the computer world, Dragon also offers
an English-language amateur magazine.
As a screen in Dragon
the usual can be used
(black and white or color)
UHF television or video monitor.
Dragon has
also direct video connection,
which improves the image quality
to a standard antenna connection
compared to. Monitor
or TV can be placed
upon the Dragon, the
power unit can fit
into a really small space.
With Centronics connection
(industry standard) to Dragon
can be attached
most on the market
existing printers.
Every Dragon buyer
gets over 200 pages
a Finnish user manual,
the use of a home micro can
great to learn by yourself.
Also, an English
the manual is included.
In the Dragon microcomputer
is from Motorola
6809 microprocessor,
which is normally used
in class bigger so-called
in minicomputers. It has
16-bit inner workings. It enables
the UNlX operating system
on the Dragon, which
is a generation ahead
CP/M operating system.
Dragon has the right sizes
typing keys,
which are easy
Dragon software sources
are perfect; disk drive,
cassette recorder, joysticks,
light pen, ROM modules
and RS-232 interface,
thanks to which the Dragon
will be soon suitable for two-way
videotex system. Cassette recorder
use is fast,
because the tape commands are
Dragon's strong feature.
Data speed as much as
1500 baud.
Already more than 200 game programs.
- Cyrus-Chess - puzzle game
- Donkey-King - jungle game
- Star-Ships - space game
- Hide and Seek - maze game
- Shutler-Space - flight simulator
- Graphic Animator - drawing and coloring program
- Shark - diving game
- Final Count - adventure game
- Pixel Editor - graphics program
- Typing Tutor - tutorial
- Dreambug - adventure game
- Racer -Labyrinth game
- Phantom Slay - ghost game
- Pinball - othello game
- Invaders Revenge - space game
- Ghost attack - ghost game
- Edit + - 52-character screen, Scandinavian
characters full screen editor
- and so on
Plenty of utility programs
- Stylograph - word processing program
- Topelius - Finnish/Swedish word processing
(own software production)
- Spellcheck - a program for checking English texts,
the program will check 42,000 different words in your text
- Mailmerge - instructions for handling personalized letters,
the formation of letters, etc.
- Dynacalc -accounting software
- Basic 09 - a structured compiler program for the Basic language
(Pascal format)
- Pascal language - based on the OS9 operating system
efficient block-structured language
- C compiler - new popular C language
- OS9 Macro Text Editor/Assembler/lnteractive Debugger
- assembler - a program developed for language formatting, which
can also be used in connection with Pascal and C language,
system diagnostics, I/O line testing (also 6809
- Inventory control software - inventory accounting, profitability analyses,
inverter lists, offer calculation, etc. (own
- Documents for all programs
Dragon literature
A Basic manual is also available for Dragon in Swedish and
as Norwegian versions directly imported from German,
French, Spanish and Italian instruction manuals for the well-equipped
from or through bookstores. English speakers
There are twenty or so magazines about Dragon and home caviar available.
- Dragon User - magazine
- Inside the Dragon - book (includes Assembler programming,
internal technology of the device)
- Load and go with your Dragon (incl. games)
- Dragon 32 games master (incl. separate games and instructions for
game making).
Motorola Club address:
M 6800 club, Veneentekijiantie 18, 00210 Helsinki

LOHJA Consumer Electronics
High quality download (45MB JPG)