Last week I was privileged enough to visit the opening of the first museum in Britain dedicated to computing, "The museum of Computing @ Swindon" (MOC@S). The opening gave the chance to see an Enigma machine, get the meet the people behind the museum and a great talk from Christine Large from Bletchly park on the work being carried out there, who are also helping out with the first display at the museum.

Replica Enigma Machine (replica) on display at MOC@S.

The 'Bombe' machine devised by Alan Turing & Gordon Welchman to assist in breaking the 'Enigma' cyphers. My son gives a good idea of scale.

The official opening of the MOC@S.
Far right: Christine Large - Bletchly Park Trust Director
Next: Jeremy Holt - MOC@S Manager

For further details:
Bletchley Park Trust